Thursday, May 26, 2011

Little Women...

I'm reaching a point in my life where I realize things that make me feel extremely old.  I've watched my nieces grow up in front of my very eyes, and now Brittany and Kylie are set to graduate tomorrow night.  The only point in my life when I've felt this old is when I took them both driving when they got their learner's permits.  It really didn't dawn on me how quickly they were growing up until I thought about Graduation tomorrow night.

It brings back memories of waiting on Brittany to come home from the hospital, waiting on Kylie to come home to visit with her parents while they were stationed in so many different places...I remember when Brittany used to stay with us at a young age, and me and Kirk would wait by the front window waiting on Karla and Jeff's little Red Cavalier to round the corner and pull off of the highway.  The trip to Mississippi to visit Krista, Mark, Kylie and Katie with trash bags full of Christmas gifts because we couldn't fit wrapped packages in the car.  It really makes me step back and realize just how fast my life is moving, and how any time I waste worrying about small things is just time wasted that I'll never get back.  I have so many great things in my life surrounding me, and my amazing nieces and nephews are hovering right at the top of that list.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this in the last few weeks, and it's made me appreciate the family that I have that much more.  I am so proud of the women that Brittany and Kylie have both become, and I know that there is so much still waiting in the future for them both to achieve. 

I can still remember handing out "It's a girl" pencils in Kindergarten....For some strange reason, I always remember that I gave one to Matt Burch, but who they went to is beside the point.  The important part is how excited I was to have my nieces come into my life.  I can honestly say that I still share that joy and excitement as their uncle, and that I truly couldn't ask for 2 better women in my life.  I'm proud of you both, and I love you.

Best of luck in the future...

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, Kent. And they're lucky to have you in their lives too.
